Total Physiotherapy

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Health Alert: We’re Flattening the Wrong Curve

During my time as a Physio I have seen a huge increase in the number of people presenting with neck related issues. This has accelerated recently with the changes occurring due to our lovely friend - COVID-19. This includes:

  • Working from home resulting in increased screen time, use of mobile phone and virtual meetings. These extended periods in front of a screen and reduction in physical interactions in the workplace mean we do not move our neck as much on a daily basis.

  • Increased use of mobile phones and tablets - this was already occurring but I believe has accelerated as we turn to these devices for news, social interactions and to fill in time.

  • Stress and anxiety - in many people this results in neck and shoulder tension, further reducing mobility.

  • Reduced strength - closure of gyms and a change in our normal strengthening routines leave us more vulnerable to neck issues. 

The result is a loss of our normal cervical (neck) lordotic curve (refer to picture) and a flat cervical spine. This can lead to: 

  • Neck, shoulder and/or upper back pain and tension

  • Headaches

  • Restricted neck mobility

Let’s ‘Bring Back the Curve’! Here’s what I suggest:

  1. Move, Move, Move! Bring movement back in to your work day and take regular breaks from the screen.

  2. If movement is difficult or you are concerned due to the symptoms above then get in to your physio. We can reduce the muscle tension, get those joints moving again and point you to the right movements and management strategies for your situation. Generally your symptoms will be under control within 1-2 sessions.

  3. Get strong - strong shoulders and upper back help reduce the strain on your neck.

  4. Ensure your home workstation is well set up to reduce the loads on your body. Although this alone is not enough - you still need to MOVE!

If you can relate to this and would like to get on top of your neck pain get in touch - our physio’s would like nothing more than to help make this challenging time a little more comfortable for you!

Contact us at : (02) 8322 3898

Or book online via the “book Now” link on our homepage