Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that can develop as part of the ageing process. It refers to joint pain where the protective cartilage lining at the ends of our bones starts to degenerate. It can commonly affect shoulders, knees, hips, feet and hands. It is a condition that physiotherapists are experts in managing in the early phases to help prevent the condition from progressing.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Pain during/after movement

  • Joint tenderness

  • Swelling

  • Stiffness (particularly early morning)

  • Bony spurs

  • Flare-ups

  • Difficulty mobilising

Various treatment methods are used to manage symptoms of OA. At Total Physiotherapy, treatment methods are based on both clinical experience and the latest scientific evidence:

  • Manual therapy techniques have shown to induce short-term pain relief and improve range of motion and daily life function in OA patients.

  • Recent evidence suggests that pilates, aerobic and strength training programs performed for minimum 3x/week for 45mins-1hr/session are significantly effective in treating and managing symptoms of OA and slowing the progression of the condition itself. Our Prime Movers class is a great class for over 50s to work on these aspects in a group environment setting.

  • Our physiotherapists are competent in teaching clients pain management, pacing and flare-up management techniques to get their pain under control.