Concussion Management
/Concussion in contact sport has received a lot of attention recently as we become more aware of the effects it can have on our future well-being. As a result management plans have been created by major sporting bodies in Australia and around the world. Based on these plans and the latest research on concussion Total Physio has come up with a Management Plan for anyone suffering a concussion that does not have a medical team at their club or sporting team to guide the recovery process. This will involve monitoring the individual through a Graduated Return To Play plan (GRTP).
Concussion Protocol
- Player sustains a suspected concussion during sport or activity. They will be removed from the game or activity immediately and must not return to activity until they have received medical assessment.
- Medical assessment carried out by GP or other Medical Professional experienced in the management of concussion.
Individual diagnosed with Concussion:
YES - Medical Professional determines required period of rest, this is followed by a review with the Physio to commence GRTP Stage 2.
NO - The individual may return to normal activity - Review 1 with Physio to commence GRTP Stage 2 under supervision and determine the individual’s plan for completion of the GRTP.
U/18s - after at least 48 hours of complete rest
18+ - after at least 24 hours complete rest - Review 2 with Physio to assess symptoms, progress GRTP and plan for resuming non-contact sports-specific exercise.
U/18s - start of week 2 post-injury prior to commencing GRTP Stage 3
18+ - Start of week 2 post-injury prior to commencing GRTP Stage 4 - Return to GP or treating Medical Provider following successful completion of GRTP Stage 4 to re-assess and gain clearance for return to contact training and play.
Timeline of Management
- Assessment with GP or other Medical Practitioner - within 48 hours of Injury
- First assessment with Physio - at conclusion of rest period prescribed by Medical Professional
* U/18s typically 2 full days of rest following injury
* 18+ typically 1 full day of rest following injury - Second Physio appointment - start of Week 2 post-injury
- GP re-assessment and Clearance (if satisfied with recovery) - at conclusion of GRTP Stage 4
U/18s approx 18 days post injury
18+ approx 11 days post injury - Return to normal activity - once medical clearance obtained and GRTP has been successfully completed
Concussion Management Flow Chart