Exercising in the Eastern Suburbs

Over the summer the team at Total Physiotherapy have composed a list of what we believe are the 7 best exercise options in the Eastern Suburbs!

1. Swimming

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Our top spots: Jumping in for High Tide at Clovelly, or doing laps at Wylies Bath.

Why: Taking a quick dip down at the beach stimulates the release of dopamine and other positive mood enhancing hormones to kick start your day. The cool water is also beneficial for recovery post exercise and can assist in the relief of inflammation and chronic pain. 
If you want to get the heart rate up lap swimming at the beach side pools is a great option. It is a non-weight bearing exercise therefore ideal for the elderly or individuals with arthritis, allowing for an increase in general fitness and endurance. 

2. Running  

Our top spots: Along the beach, or laps at centennial park. 

Why: Running has many health benefits in terms of improving endurance, and strengthening muscle. Running on concrete allows for a stable surface during exercising, however it should be undertaken with caution as the body needs to absorb the surface’s impact therefore putting more stress on your bones and joints. Not a problem if these loads are managed well. On the other hand Soft Sand running is lower impact but is better suited for a higher intensity workouts due to the sand causing uneven surfaces and friction.

3. Stairs

Where: Infamously named Coogee Death Stairs due to their 40 metre elevation, and total of 210 stairs!! Just located within walking distance from Coogee Beach, on Denning St.

Why: This is a perfect high intensity work out, so make sure you take a water bottle and start off with a light warm up. Stair training allows for a combination of a interval cardio session and light weights. Repeatedly lifting your body weight up is a great way to develop strong and powerful leg muscles, as well as stabilise and strengthen your core. The Coogee Stairs can be tackled by anyone looking to tone their muscles and improve their cardiovascular endurance.

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4. Run swim runs

Our top spots: Clovelly beach is set up perfectly! You can run around the promenade, followed by swimming roughly 60 meters across to the other side.

Why: Run Swim Runs are the perfect combination of elements and cardio based exercises. Together the two fast track ones general fitness, with the benefit of strengthening muscles through running, as well as non weight bearing relief and an increase in lung capacity through swimming.  It allows for a release of mood enhancing hormones, as well as an overall improvement in endurance and aerobic fitness. 

5. Coastal walks

Our top spots: The most well known route is the 6km Bondi to Coogee walk, or anywhere between for those looking for something a little bit shorter.

Why: Walking is a beneficial way to unwind and relieve stress! It is also allows for less strain and impact on the body than running, however still provides strengthening for bones and muscles. Walking is a flexible exercise option due to the variation of routes to include stairs, hills or sand, as well as the level of intensity set by the individual.

6. Outdoor gyms

Our top spots: If you can, walk down to Burrows Park Outdoor Gym, just off Ocean Street in Clovelly, otherwise it's not far from the Clovelly Beach Car park. Walking is a great warm up before exercising, as it increases muscle blood flow which can reduce the risk of injury. Burrow’s Park Outdoor Gym has 13 pieces of equipment, allowing for a full body workout. On top of that if you need to cool down after your session Clovelly Beach is just a few steps away!!

Why: Outdoor gyms are a great way to achieve a strength and cardio workout. Equipment such as treadmills and spin bikes allow for endurance based exercises, where as chin up bars and chest press allow for body weight resistance. It is the flexibility of outdoor gyms to allow for specific or holistic routines, that makes them such a beneficial and accessible exercise option! Plus they are absolutely free.

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7. Shared bikes

Our top spots:  Bike riding is a great commute option to work,  starting at as little as $1 for 30 minutes with the share bikes. $0 if you have your own. The whole family can enjoy a day out at Centennial park and use the shared cycle ways across the parkland. For those looking for more of a challenge, Bondi beach to Watsons Bay provides an 8km route with picturesque views.

Why: Cycling is a cardio based workout, therefore it helps to improve ones cardiovascular endurance through improving the heart's efficiency. It also improves general fitness and helps increase productivity. Bike riding is a beneficial rehab option for individuals suffering from osteoarthritis or knee pain, as it is low weight bearing and helps to stabilise joints.