Exercising in the Eastern Suburbs

Exercising in the Eastern Suburbs

Over the summer the team at Total Physiotherapy have composed a list of what we believe are the 7 best exercise options in the Eastern Suburbs!

1. Swimming

Our top spots: Jumping in for High Tide at Clovelly, or doing laps at Wylies Bath.

Why: Taking a quick dip down at the beach stimulates the release of dopamine and other positive mood enhancing hormones to kick start your day...

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Running Shoes with Mick Elliott (Part 2)

Running Shoes with Mick Elliott (Part 2)

In the 2nd and final part of my chat with Mick we consider the cushioning and shapes of running shoes, wearing runners to the pub, why it's worthy buying running shoes in store and what changes are on the horizon for the industry.

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Half Marathon Countdown

Only 32 days, or around 14 training runs (more if you're cramming in your preparation) until the SMH Half Marathon on May 21st. If you were to be struck down by injury at this stage it could quite literally be a pain in the butt! Don't let an injury stop you from getting the Finishers Medal you have been working so hard for. Be smart about the final stages of your preparation and if you notice anything not quite feeling right see someone about it sooner rather than later!

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