Running Shoes - with 'The Athlete's Foot' Guru Mick Elliott

Running Shoes - with 'The Athlete's Foot' Guru Mick Elliott

I caught up with good mate Mick Elliott a couple of weeks ago to talk all things running shoes. Mick is now the owner of 4 Athlete’s Foot stores across NSW - The Galleries Victoria in Sydney City, Eastgardens, Bankstown and Tamworth. This is Part 1 of a 2 part series - in this part we will focus on considerations when selecting the right shoe.

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Exercise Options in Plantar Fascia Pain - to stretch or strengthen?

Exercise Options in Plantar Fascia Pain - to stretch or strengthen?

We've come up with a collection of exercises to help in the treatment of plantar fascia pain. Quite a selection to choose from - the challenge is identifying the right exercise for you!!

 This may focus on stretching, strengthening or a combination of the two.

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Plantar Fascia - what is it, what does it do and what makes it painful?

The plantar fascia is a thick layer of tissue stretching from the calcaneus (heel bone) to the toes. It is in three segments:

  1. Central portion: the most important. A thick portion of tissue running down the middle of the foot from the heel to the toes, forming the longitudinal arch of the foot.
  2. Medial portion (inside of the foot).
  3. Lateral portion (outside of foot).
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Concussion: A summary of its management in sport

This advice applies to any person suffering a concussion or potential head injury. A potential head injury is any injury that has the potential to cause concussion or a more serious head injury. These injuries can be caused by:

1. A direct blow to the head

2. An indirect force transmitted to the head from a blow to another part of the body

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Half Marathon Countdown

Only 32 days, or around 14 training runs (more if you're cramming in your preparation) until the SMH Half Marathon on May 21st. If you were to be struck down by injury at this stage it could quite literally be a pain in the butt! Don't let an injury stop you from getting the Finishers Medal you have been working so hard for. Be smart about the final stages of your preparation and if you notice anything not quite feeling right see someone about it sooner rather than later!

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ACL Rehabilitation Program

ACL Rehabilitation Program

ACL injuries are common amongst sportspeople and an active population - especially people involved in activities requiring stepping, pivoting or sudden changes of direction. In many cases an operation to repair the ACL is required. For most it is 9 months or more from the operation to return to sport or pre-injury activity. While this sounds like a long time the actual rehabilitation can be quite enjoyable and challenging. This is our ACL rehab outline with the goals you want to be achieving along the way to ensure a successful recovery.

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