The importance of the ergonomic desk set up - The Shoulder

The importance of the ergonomic desk set up - The Shoulder

Working from home carries risks for our bodies. It is important to know how to reduce the risk and manage the injury if it occurs. We see an increase in shoulder injuries in people working from home and at Total Physiotherapy we help them overcome the injury and help prevent it from happening again.

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Deadlifting Tips to Prevent Injury

Deadlifting Tips to Prevent Injury

Deadlifting is often associated with lower back injury but this does not need to be the case. The deadlift is a very valuable strengthening exercise, here are our tips to get the most out of it while staying injury free.

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Injuries of the foot

Injuries of the foot

Are you experiencing pain in your foot?

Does it hurt to walk on it, or perhaps to wriggle your toes?

Below we have outlined some common foot injuries that could be attributing to this discomfort.

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Running Shoes with Mick Elliott (Part 2)

Running Shoes with Mick Elliott (Part 2)

In the 2nd and final part of my chat with Mick we consider the cushioning and shapes of running shoes, wearing runners to the pub, why it's worthy buying running shoes in store and what changes are on the horizon for the industry.

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Running Shoes - with 'The Athlete's Foot' Guru Mick Elliott

Running Shoes - with 'The Athlete's Foot' Guru Mick Elliott

I caught up with good mate Mick Elliott a couple of weeks ago to talk all things running shoes. Mick is now the owner of 4 Athlete’s Foot stores across NSW - The Galleries Victoria in Sydney City, Eastgardens, Bankstown and Tamworth. This is Part 1 of a 2 part series - in this part we will focus on considerations when selecting the right shoe.

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Squat without hurting your back

Squat without hurting your back

Squats are great. Lower back pain is not so great. Lower back pain triggered by squats is something I see much too regularly. With the increased popularity of high intensity training, which has great health and fitness benefits, the prevalence of low back pain from squatting has increased. Pay attention to your technique to help prevent injury.

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